
This commit is contained in:
wangxk 2025-01-24 10:23:50 +08:00
parent f0ac0a6044
commit 825d770943
11 changed files with 595 additions and 103 deletions

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ window.webConfig = {
"VITEAPPBASEWEB": "https://edu.mmhyvision.com/vision",
"webApiBaseApp": "https://edu.mmhyvision.com/parent",
"title": "明眸眼健康智慧管理系统(视光版)",
"title": "文档与数据管理系统",
"content1": "杭州明眸慧眼科技有限公司",
"content2": "浙江省杭州市余杭区祥茂路166号华滋科欣设计创意园4号楼",
"content3": "400-6588695",
@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ window.webConfig = {
"headerLogo": "logo.png",
"ItutionIds": "a35ce60b10e425df77f401ebf1af80ac",
document.title = "明眸眼健康智慧管理系统(视光版)";
document.title = "文档与数据管理系统";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
import request from '@/utils/request';
export function projectList() {
return request({
url: '/specialDocument/project/list',
method: 'post',
export function getNodesTree(queryParams:any) {
return request({
url: '/specialDocument/sd_nodes/getNodesTree',
method: 'post',
export function addNodes(queryParams:any) {
return request({
url: '/specialDocument/sd_nodes/addNodes',
method: 'post',
// /修改专项文档节点
export function updateNodes(queryParams:any) {
return request({
url: '/specialDocument/sd_nodes/updateNodes',
method: 'post',
export function deleteNodesById(queryParams:any) {
return request({
url: '/specialDocument/sd_nodes/deleteNodesById',
method: 'post',

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 251 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 181 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 262 B

View File

@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
<script lang="ts">
export default {
name: "document",//
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, onMounted, nextTick } from "vue";
import { useAppStore } from '@/store/modules/app';
import { ElMessageBox, ElMessage } from "element-plus";
import Page from '@/components/Pagination/page.vue';
import { projectList, getNodesTree, addNodes, updateNodes, deleteNodesById } from "@/api/document";
import uploadFiles from '@/components/uploadFiles/index.vue'
const handleSuccess = (file: any) => {
console.log('上传成功:', file.name)
const handleError = ({ file, error }) => {
console.error('上传失败:', file.name, error)
onMounted(() => {
const vMove = {
mounted(el: any) {
el.onmousedown = function (e: any) {
var init = e.clientX;
var parent: any = document.getElementById("silderLeft");
const initWidth: any = parent.offsetWidth;
document.onmousemove = function (e) {
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var newWidth = end - init + initWidth;
parent.style.width = newWidth + "px";
document.onmouseup = function () {
document.onmousemove = document.onmouseup = null;
const projectId = ref()
const projectArr = ref([])
function getProject() {
projectList().then((res: any) => {
projectArr.value = res.data
projectId.value = projectArr.value[0].id
const treedata = ref([])
const treeloading = ref(false)
const defaultProps = {
children: "children",
label: "nodeName"
const treeForm = ref({
projectId: '',
nodeName: '',
function gettreedata() {
treeloading.value = true
treeForm.value.projectId = projectId.value
getNodesTree(treeForm.value).then((res: any) => {
treedata.value = res.data
treeloading.value = false
function handleNodeClick(data: any, node: any) {
const frame = ref(false)
const title = ref()
const ruleFormRef = ref()
const projectForme: any = ref({
projectId: '',//id
parentId: "",//id
nodeType: "",//
nodeName: "",//
const moderules = ref({
nodeName: [{ required: true, message: "请输入节点名称", trigger: "blur" }],
function addSubItem(row: any) {
frame.value = true
projectForme.value = {
projectId: '',//id
parentId: "",//id
nodeType: "",//
nodeName: "",//
projectForme.value.projectId = projectId.value
if (row.nodeType == '00') {
projectForme.value.parentId = '00'
} else {
projectForme.value.parentId = row.id
if (row.nodeType == '00') {
title.value = "添加子项目"
projectForme.value.nodeType = '01'
} else if (row.nodeType == '01') {
title.value = "添加课题"
projectForme.value.nodeType = '02'
} else if (row.nodeType == '02') {
title.value = "添加年度"
projectForme.value.nodeType = '03'
} else if (row.nodeType == '03') {
title.value = "添加主题"
projectForme.value.nodeType = '04'
function editSubItem(row: any) {
if (row.nodeType == '01') {
title.value = "修改子项目"
} else if (row.nodeType == '02') {
title.value = "修改课题"
} else if (row.nodeType == '03') {
title.value = "修改年度"
} else if (row.nodeType == '04') {
title.value = "修改主题"
// title.value = ""
frame.value = true
if (row.subRegions) {
delete row.subRegions
if (row.createTime) {
delete row.createTime
projectForme.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(row))
async function submitForm(formEl: any) {
if (!formEl) return
await formEl.validate((valid: any, fields: any) => {
if (valid) {
if (projectForme.value.id) {
updateNodes(projectForme.value).then((res: any) => {
if (res.code == 0) {
frame.value = false
} else {
addNodes(projectForme.value).then((res: any) => {
if (res.code == 0) {
frame.value = false
function handleClose(formEl: any) {
// if (!formEl) return
// formEl.resetFields()
frame.value = false
function delSubItem(row: any) {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
type: 'warning',
.then(() => {
deleteNodesById({ id: row.id }).then((res: any) => {
if (res.code == 0) {
type: 'success',
message: '删除成功',
const queryParams: any = ref({
current: 1,
size: 20,
name: ''
const tableData: any = ref([{}, {}]);
const total = ref(0);
const loading = ref(false)
function getdata() {
const upfile = ref(false)
function openFile() {
upfile.value = true
function fileClose() {
upfile.value = false
<div class="faulttemplate-box">
<aside id="silderLeft">
<el-select v-model="projectId" placeholder="请选择项目" @change="gettreedata()">
<el-option v-for="item in projectArr" :key="item.id" :label="item.projectName" :value="item.id" />
<div class="tree_sou">
<el-input v-model="treeForm.nodeName" style="width:100%;margin:10px 9px 10px 0px;"
placeholder="节点名称" clearable />
<el-button type="primary" @click="gettreedata()">搜索</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="addSubItem({ nodeType: '00' })">新增子项目</el-button>
<el-tree ref="treeRef" node-key="id" :data="treedata" :highlight-current="true" :props="defaultProps"
v-loading="treeloading" @node-click="handleNodeClick"
:class="useAppStore().size === 'default' ? 'silderLeft-large' : 'silderLeft-default'"
style="height: calc(100vh - 280px); overflow: auto;margin-top: 10px;">
<template #default="{ data }">
<span class="custom-tree-node">
<span>{{ data.nodeName }}</span>
<span class="img_tree">
<img src="@/assets/project/xiu.png" alt="" title="编辑" @click="editSubItem(data)">
<img src="@/assets/project/del.png" alt="" title="删除" @click="delSubItem(data)">
<img v-if="data.nodeType == '01'" src="@/assets/project/jia.png" alt="" title="添加课题"
<img v-if="data.nodeType == '02'" src="@/assets/project/jia.png" alt="" title="添加年度"
<img v-if="data.nodeType == '03'" src="@/assets/project/jia.png" alt="" title="添加主题"
<div class="moveBtn" v-move>
<div class="moveBtn-line"></div>
<section class="silderRight">
<div class="sou_title">
<div class="sou_title_left">
<el-input style="margin-right: 10px ;" v-model="queryParams.name" clearable @change="getdata()"
<el-input style="margin-right: 10px ;" v-model="queryParams.name" clearable @change="getdata()"
<el-input style="margin-right: 10px ;" v-model="queryParams.name" clearable @change="getdata()"
<el-button type="primary" @click="getdata()">搜索</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="openFile">上传</el-button>
<el-button type="primary">新增</el-button>
<el-button type="primary">删除</el-button>
<el-table v-loading="loading" :data="tableData"
:header-cell-style="{ background: 'rgb(250 250 250)', height: '50px' }"
style="width: 100%; height: calc(100vh - 275px);margin-bottom: 20px;" border>
<el-table-column type="index" label="序号" width="70" align="center"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column prop="usercode" label="文件名称"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column prop="username" label="关键字"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column prop="requestip" label="上传人"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column prop="requestip" label="上传时间"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column fixed="right" label="操作" width="80" align="center">
<template #default="scope">
style="display: flex;display: -webkit-flex;justify-content: space-around;-webkit-justify-content: space-around; ">
{{ scope }}
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/lbcz_xg.png" alt="" title="修改" style="cursor: pointer;">
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/lbcz_sc.png" alt="" title="删除" style="cursor: pointer;">
<Page :total="total" v-model:size="queryParams.size" v-model:current="queryParams.current"
<el-dialog :title="title" v-model="frame" width="30%" :before-close="handleClose" top="30px" draggable
<el-form ref="ruleFormRef" style="max-width: 600px" :model="projectForme" :rules="moderules"
label-width="auto" class="demo-ruleForm" status-icon>
<el-form-item label="节点名称" prop="nodeName">
<el-input v-model="projectForme.nodeName" />
<div style="width: 100%;display: flex;justify-content: end;">
<el-button type="primary" @click="submitForm(ruleFormRef)">确定</el-button>
<el-button @click="handleClose(ruleFormRef)">取消</el-button>
<el-dialog title="上传文件" v-model="upfile" width="35%" :before-close="fileClose" top="30px" draggable
<el-form ref="ruleFormRef" style="max-width: 600px" :model="projectForme" :rules="moderules"
label-width="auto" class="demo-ruleForm" status-icon>
<el-form-item label="文件上传" prop="nodeName">
<uploadFiles upload-url="/api/upload" :max-size="20"
@upload-success="handleSuccess" @upload-error="handleError" />
<el-form-item label="关键字" prop="nodeName">
<el-input v-model="projectForme.nodeName" />
<el-form-item label="描述" prop="nodeName">
<el-input v-model="projectForme.nodeName" :rows="2" type="textarea" />
<div style="width: 100%;display: flex;justify-content: end;">
<el-button type="primary" @click="submitForm(ruleFormRef)">确定</el-button>
<el-button @click="handleClose(ruleFormRef)">取消</el-button>
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&:hover {
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opacity: 1;
/* 拖动条 */
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height: 100%;
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right: -15px;
top: 0;
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width: 100%;
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justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
margin-bottom: 20px;
.sou_title_left {
width: 50%;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
.custom-tree-node {
flex: 1;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
font-size: 14px;
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.img_tree {
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img {
cursor: pointer;

View File

@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ function menusubmit() {
islink: menuInfo.value.islink,
isdisplay: menuInfo.value.isdisplay,
parentid: btnparentid.value,
id: expertInfo.value.id,
// id: expertInfo.value.id,
icon: iconall.value,
addmenu(params).then(() => {
@ -588,9 +588,9 @@ onMounted(() => {
<el-button type="primary" @click="search()">搜索</el-button>
<el-button v-hasPerm="['add:menu']" type="primary" @click="addClick">
<el-button type="primary" @click="addClick">
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/jscz_xz.png" alt="" style="margin-right: 4px;">新增目录</el-button>
<el-button v-hasPerm="['add:menu']" type="primary" @click="menuclick">
<el-button type="primary" @click="menuclick">
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/jscz_xz.png" alt="" style="margin-right: 4px;">添加菜单</el-button>
@ -674,23 +674,23 @@ onMounted(() => {
<!-- <img src="@/assets/icon/subdirectory.png" alt="" title="子目录" @click="subdirectoryclick(scope.$index, scope.row)" style="cursor: pointer;margin-left:5px"> -->
style="display: flex;display: -webkit-flex; justify-content: space-around;-webkit-justify-content: space-around; ">
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/lbcz_xg.png" alt="" v-hasPerm="['update:menu']" title="修改"
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/lbcz_xg.png" alt="" title="修改"
@click="handleEdit(scope.row)" style="cursor: pointer;">
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/lbcz_zml.png" alt="" v-hasPerm="['add:menu']" v-if="scope.row.type == '0'"
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/lbcz_zml.png" alt="" v-if="scope.row.type == '0'"
title="添加子目录" @click="addchilder(scope.row)" style="cursor: pointer;">
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/lbcz_zml1.png" alt="" v-hasPerm="['add:menu']" v-else title="新增子目录"
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/lbcz_zml1.png" alt="" v-else title="新增子目录"
style="cursor: pointer;">
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/lbcz_cd.png" alt="" v-hasPerm="['add:menu']" v-if="scope.row.type == '0'"
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/lbcz_cd.png" alt="" v-if="scope.row.type == '0'"
title="添加菜单" @click="menuclick(scope.row)" style="cursor: pointer;">
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/lbcz_cd1.png" alt="" v-hasPerm="['add:menu']" v-else title="添加菜单"
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/lbcz_cd1.png" alt="" v-else title="添加菜单"
style="cursor: pointer;">
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/lbcz_an.png" alt="" v-hasPerm="['add:menu']" v-if="scope.row.type == '1'"
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/lbcz_an.png" alt="" v-if="scope.row.type == '1'"
title="按钮" @click="btnclick(scope.row)" style="cursor: pointer;">
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/lbcz_an1.png" alt="" v-hasPerm="['add:menu']" v-else title="按钮"
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/lbcz_an1.png" alt="" v-else title="按钮"
style="cursor: pointer;margin-left:5px;font-size:18px; color: rgb(153 214 255);">
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/lbcz_sc.png" alt="" v-hasPerm="['del:menu']" v-if="scope.row.status == '09'"
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/lbcz_sc.png" alt="" v-if="scope.row.status == '09'"
title="删除" style="cursor: pointer; ">
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/lbcz_sc.png" alt="" v-hasPerm="['del:menu']" v-else title="删除"
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/lbcz_sc.png" alt="" v-else title="删除"
@click="handleDelete(scope.row)" style="cursor: pointer; ">

View File

@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ export default {
<script setup lang="ts">
import { onMounted, ref, nextTick } from "vue";
import { ElForm, ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
import {
queryRegion } from '@/api/regionmodule/region';
import { queryRegion } from '@/api/regionmodule/region';
import { listRolePages, isvaildTo, addDept, renewDept, deleDept, assignmentPer, setMenuById, setOrgscope, postOrgscope } from "@/api/role";
import { publicTree } from '@/utils/validate';

View File

@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ function getTree() {
// });
treeloading.value = false
.catch((error: any) => {
treeloading.value = false
const currentNodeKey = ref("")
@ -107,9 +107,9 @@ function addClick() {
email: "",
phone: "",
roleinfo: [],
institution_id: "",
institution_name: "",
institution_type: ""
institutionName.value = ""
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ function getdata() {
total.value = res.data.total
tableData.value = res.data.records
queryParams.value.size = res.data.size
queryParams.value.current = res.data.current
queryParams.value.current = res.data.current
dialog.value = true
loading.value = false;
})).catch(() => {
@ -178,9 +178,9 @@ const info = ref({
email: "",
phone: "",
roleinfo: [] as any[],
institution_id: "",
institution_name: "",
institution_type: ""
@ -190,17 +190,17 @@ function editdepartment(row: any) {
institutionName.value = ""
if(row.institution_id !=null && row.institution_id !=''){
queryVisionInstitutionById({id:row.institution_id}).then((res) => {
if (row.institution_id != null && row.institution_id != '') {
queryVisionInstitutionById({ id: row.institution_id }).then((res) => {
institutionName.value = res.data.name
info.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(row));
info.value.roleinfo = selectID;
rolesdata.value = row.roles
title.value = "修改用户";
dialogVisible.value = true;
info.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(row));
info.value.roleinfo = selectID;
rolesdata.value = row.roles
title.value = "修改用户";
dialogVisible.value = true;
@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ function confirmClick(formEl: any) {
email: info.value.email,
phone: info.value.phone,
orgid: orgId.value,
institutionId: info.value.institution_id,
institutionType: info.value.institution_type
const roleids = String(info.value.roleinfo)
updataUser(params, roleids).then((res) => {
@ -241,8 +241,8 @@ function confirmClick(formEl: any) {
email: info.value.email,
phone: info.value.phone,
orgid: orgId.value,
institutionId: info.value.institution_id,
institutionType: info.value.institution_type
const roleids = info.value.roleinfo;
addUsers(params, roleids).then((res) => {
@ -322,9 +322,9 @@ function getrole() {
getRole(params).then((res) => {
rolesdata.value = res;
if(isRoles.value == true){
if (isRoles.value == true) {
rolesdata.value.forEach(element => {
if(element.rolename == '医疗机构普通用户'){
if (element.rolename == '医疗机构普通用户') {
info.value.roleinfo = [element.rolename]
@ -384,8 +384,8 @@ onMounted(() => {
// getdata()
for(let i=0;i<userStore.roles.length;i++){
for (let i = 0; i < userStore.roles.length; i++) {
if (userStore.roles[i] == '医疗机构管理员') {
isRoles.value = true
@ -408,44 +408,44 @@ const vMove = {
const visionInstitutionVisible =ref(false)
function viewInstitution(){
const visionInstitutionVisible = ref(false)
function viewInstitution() {
visionInstitutionVisible.value = true
function InstitutionClose(){
function InstitutionClose() {
visionInstitutionVisible.value = false
const institutionName = ref("")
function returnClick(e:any){
function returnClick(e: any) {
info.value.institution_id = e.id
info.value.institution_name = e.name
if(e.parent_id =='00'){
if (e.parent_id == '00') {
info.value.institution_type = '01'
} else {
info.value.institution_type = '02'
visionInstitutionVisible.value = false
const userInfo:any = ref({})
function getOrgPower(){
const userInfo: any = ref({})
function getOrgPower() {
let params = {
userId: userStore.userId
queryUserRole(params).then((res:any) => {
queryUserRole(params).then((res: any) => {
userInfo.value = res.data
if( res.data.level >=2 && res.data.institution_type =='01'){
// if( res.data.level >=2 && res.data.institution_type =='01'){
// }
function institutionClick(e:any){
userInfo.value.list.forEach((element:any) => {
if(e == element.id){
if(element.parent_id =='00'){
function institutionClick(e: any) {
userInfo.value.list.forEach((element: any) => {
if (e == element.id) {
if (element.parent_id == '00') {
info.value.institution_type = '01'
} else {
info.value.institution_type = '02'
@ -460,14 +460,14 @@ function getTreeInit() {
treeloading.value = true
treedata.value = []
queryVisionInstitutionNameList(params).then((res) => {
treedata.value = res.data
treedata.value = res.data
id: '',
name: '全部机构'
treeloading.value = false
}).catch(() => {
treeloading.value = false
@ -476,17 +476,13 @@ function getTreeInit() {
<div class="faulttemplate-box">
<aside id="silderLeft">
<el-input v-model="queryName" clearable @keydown.enter="getTreeInit" placeholder="机构名称搜索">
<template #append>
<el-button type="primary" :icon="Search" @click="getTreeInit"/>
<el-button type="primary" :icon="Search" @click="getTreeInit" />
<el-tree ref="treeRef" :class="useAppStore().size === 'default' ? 'silderLeft-large' : 'silderLeft-default'"
node-key="id" :data="treedata" :highlight-current="true" :props="defaultProps" v-loading="treeloading"
node-key="id" :data="treedata" :highlight-current="true" :props="defaultProps" v-loading="treeloading"
@node-click="handleNodeClick" style="height: calc(100vh - 180px); overflow: auto">
<div class="moveBtn" v-move>
@ -496,17 +492,18 @@ function getTreeInit() {
<section class="silderRight">
<el-col :span="24">
<div style="margin-bottom:10px;display: flex;display: -webkit-flex; justify-content: space-between;-webkit-justify-content: space-between; width: 100%;">
style="margin-bottom:10px;display: flex;display: -webkit-flex; justify-content: space-between;-webkit-justify-content: space-between; width: 100%;">
<el-input v-model="queryParams.querystr" placeholder="请输入用户姓名" clearable style="width: 200px"
@keyup.enter="getdata" />
<el-button type="primary" style="margin-left: 10px;" @click="getdata">搜索</el-button>
<el-button v-hasPerm="['add:user']" type="primary" @click="addClick">
<el-button type="primary" @click="addClick">
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/jscz_xz.png" alt="" style="margin-right: 5px;">
<el-button v-hasPerm="['del:user']" @click="delchoice" :disabled="multipleSelection.length <= 0"
<el-button @click="delchoice" :disabled="multipleSelection.length <= 0"
:type="multipleSelection.length > 0 ? 'primary' : ''"><el-icon style="margin-right: 5px;">
<Delete />
@ -515,14 +512,14 @@ function getTreeInit() {
<el-table :data="tableData" style="width: 100%;margin-bottom: 20px;height: calc(100vh - 250px);" row-key="id" border default-expand-all
:v-loading="dialog" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange"
<el-table :data="tableData" style="width: 100%;margin-bottom: 20px;height: calc(100vh - 250px);" row-key="id"
border default-expand-all :v-loading="dialog" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange"
:header-cell-style="{ background: 'rgb(250 250 250)', color: ' #383838', height: '50px' }">
<el-table-column type="selection" width="50" align="center" />
<el-table-column type="index" label="序号" width="70" align="center" />
<el-table-column prop="nickname" label="用户姓名" width="150"></el-table-column>
<!-- <el-table-column prop="avatar" label="头像"></el-table-column> -->
<el-table-column prop="email" label="邮箱" ></el-table-column>
<el-table-column prop="email" label="邮箱"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column prop="phone" label="手机号" min-width="90"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column prop="username" label="登录账号" width="120"></el-table-column>
<!-- <el-table-column prop="custom1" label="登录账号"></el-table-column> -->
@ -551,7 +548,8 @@ function getTreeInit() {
</el-table-column> -->
<el-table-column fixed="right" label="操作" width="110">
<template #default="scope">
<span style="display: flex;display: -webkit-flex;justify-content: space-around;-webkit-justify-content: space-around; ">
style="display: flex;display: -webkit-flex;justify-content: space-around;-webkit-justify-content: space-around; ">
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/lbcz_xg.png" alt="" title="修改" @click="editdepartment(scope.row)"
style="cursor: pointer;">
<img src="@/assets/MenuIcon/lbcz_czmm.png" alt="" title="重置密码" @click="setpassword(scope.row)"
@ -562,7 +560,9 @@ function getTreeInit() {
<Page :total="total" v-model:size="queryParams.size" v-model:current="queryParams.current" @pagination="getdata()" ></Page>
<Page :total="total" v-model:size="queryParams.size" v-model:current="queryParams.current"
<!-- 用户 弹框-->
<el-dialog v-model="dialogVisible" :close-on-click-modal="false" :before-close="handleClose" :title="title"
@ -571,38 +571,41 @@ function getTreeInit() {
<el-form-item label="用户姓名" prop="nickname">
<el-input v-model="info.nickname" style="width: 100%" placeholder="请输入用户姓名"></el-input>
<el-form-item label="联系邮箱" >
<el-form-item label="联系邮箱">
<el-input v-model="info.email" style="width: 100%" placeholder="请输入联系邮箱"></el-input>
<el-form-item label="联系电话" >
<el-form-item label="联系电话">
<el-input v-model="info.phone" style="width: 100%" placeholder="请输入联系电话"></el-input>
<el-form-item label="登录账号" prop="username">
<el-input v-model="info.username" style="width: 100%" placeholder="请输入登录账号"></el-input>
<el-form-item label="所属角色" >
<el-select v-model="info.roleinfo" placeholder=" " style="width: 100%" multiple :disabled="isRoles==true"
<el-form-item label="所属角色">
<el-select v-model="info.roleinfo" placeholder=" " style="width: 100%" multiple :disabled="isRoles == true"
<el-option v-for="item in rolesdata" :key="item.id" :label="item.rolename" :value="item.id" />
<el-form-item label="组织机构" v-if="isRoles==false">
<el-input v-if="userInfo.level == '1'" v-model="info.institution_name" autocomplete="off" placeholder="请选择所属机构" disabled style="width: 390px;" />
<el-button v-if="userInfo.level == '1'" type="primary" class="ml-[5px]" @click="viewInstitution">选择</el-button>
<el-select v-if="userInfo.level != '1'" v-model="info.institution_id" placeholder="请选择所属机构" style="width: 100%"
<el-form-item label="组织机构" v-if="isRoles == false">
<el-input v-if="userInfo.level == '1'" v-model="info.institution_name" autocomplete="off"
placeholder="请选择所属机构" disabled style="width: 390px;" />
<el-button v-if="userInfo.level == '1'" type="primary" class="ml-[5px]"
<el-select v-if="userInfo.level != '1'" v-model="info.institution_id" placeholder="请选择所属机构"
style="width: 100%" @change="institutionClick">
<el-option v-for="item in userInfo.list" :key="item.id" :label="item.name" :value="item.id" />
<span class="dialog-footer" style="display: flex;display: -webkit-flex; justify-content: flex-end;-webkit-justify-content: flex-end;">
<span class="dialog-footer"
style="display: flex;display: -webkit-flex; justify-content: flex-end;-webkit-justify-content: flex-end;">
<el-button @click="handleClose"> </el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="confirmClick(infoForm)">保存</el-button>
<el-dialog v-model="visionInstitutionVisible" :close-on-click-modal="false" :before-close="InstitutionClose" :title="'关联机构'"
append-to-body width="1280px" draggable>
<VisionInstitution v-if="visionInstitutionVisible" @returnClick="returnClick"/>
<el-dialog v-model="visionInstitutionVisible" :close-on-click-modal="false" :before-close="InstitutionClose"
:title="'关联机构'" append-to-body width="1280px" draggable>
<VisionInstitution v-if="visionInstitutionVisible" @returnClick="returnClick" />
@ -624,7 +627,7 @@ function getTreeInit() {
#silderLeft {
width: 250px;
padding: 5px 0px 10px;
padding: 10px;
box-sizing: border-box;
background: #fff;
border-radius: 3px;
@ -687,9 +690,8 @@ function getTreeInit() {
height: 40px !important;
margin: auto !important;
.el-message-box {
width: 300px !important;

View File

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ export default ({ mode }: ConfigEnv): UserConfig => {
//target: 'https://edu.mmhyvision.com:8443',
// 本地API地址
target: '',
target: '',
changeOrigin: true,
rewrite: path =>
path.replace(new RegExp('^' + env.VITE_APP_BASE_API), '')