545 lines
17 KiB
545 lines
17 KiB
* Copyright (c) Tiny Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the LGPL or a commercial license.
* For LGPL see License.txt in the project root for license information.
* For commercial licenses see https://www.tiny.cloud/
* Version: 5.10.0 (2021-10-11)
(function () {
'use strict';
var Cell = function (initial) {
var value = initial;
var get = function () {
return value;
var set = function (v) {
value = v;
return {
get: get,
set: set
var global$4 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.PluginManager');
var __assign = function () {
__assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
s = arguments[i];
for (var p in s)
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p))
t[p] = s[p];
return t;
return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
var global$3 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.util.Tools');
var global$2 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.html.DomParser');
var global$1 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.html.Node');
var global = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.html.Serializer');
var shouldHideInSourceView = function (editor) {
return editor.getParam('fullpage_hide_in_source_view');
var getDefaultXmlPi = function (editor) {
return editor.getParam('fullpage_default_xml_pi');
var getDefaultEncoding = function (editor) {
return editor.getParam('fullpage_default_encoding');
var getDefaultFontFamily = function (editor) {
return editor.getParam('fullpage_default_font_family');
var getDefaultFontSize = function (editor) {
return editor.getParam('fullpage_default_font_size');
var getDefaultTextColor = function (editor) {
return editor.getParam('fullpage_default_text_color');
var getDefaultTitle = function (editor) {
return editor.getParam('fullpage_default_title');
var getDefaultDocType = function (editor) {
return editor.getParam('fullpage_default_doctype', '<!DOCTYPE html>');
var getProtect = function (editor) {
return editor.getParam('protect');
var parseHeader = function (editor, head) {
return global$2({
validate: false,
root_name: '#document'
}, editor.schema).parse(head, { format: 'xhtml' });
var htmlToData = function (editor, head) {
var headerFragment = parseHeader(editor, head);
var data = {};
var elm, matches;
var getAttr = function (elm, name) {
var value = elm.attr(name);
return value || '';
data.fontface = getDefaultFontFamily(editor);
data.fontsize = getDefaultFontSize(editor);
elm = headerFragment.firstChild;
if (elm.type === 7) {
data.xml_pi = true;
matches = /encoding="([^"]+)"/.exec(elm.value);
if (matches) {
data.docencoding = matches[1];
elm = headerFragment.getAll('#doctype')[0];
if (elm) {
data.doctype = '<!DOCTYPE' + elm.value + '>';
elm = headerFragment.getAll('title')[0];
if (elm && elm.firstChild) {
data.title = elm.firstChild.value;
global$3.each(headerFragment.getAll('meta'), function (meta) {
var name = meta.attr('name');
var httpEquiv = meta.attr('http-equiv');
var matches;
if (name) {
data[name.toLowerCase()] = meta.attr('content');
} else if (httpEquiv === 'Content-Type') {
matches = /charset\s*=\s*(.*)\s*/gi.exec(meta.attr('content'));
if (matches) {
data.docencoding = matches[1];
elm = headerFragment.getAll('html')[0];
if (elm) {
data.langcode = getAttr(elm, 'lang') || getAttr(elm, 'xml:lang');
data.stylesheets = [];
global$3.each(headerFragment.getAll('link'), function (link) {
if (link.attr('rel') === 'stylesheet') {
elm = headerFragment.getAll('body')[0];
if (elm) {
data.langdir = getAttr(elm, 'dir');
data.style = getAttr(elm, 'style');
data.visited_color = getAttr(elm, 'vlink');
data.link_color = getAttr(elm, 'link');
data.active_color = getAttr(elm, 'alink');
return data;
var dataToHtml = function (editor, data, head) {
var headElement, elm;
var dom = editor.dom;
var setAttr = function (elm, name, value) {
elm.attr(name, value ? value : undefined);
var addHeadNode = function (node) {
if (headElement.firstChild) {
headElement.insert(node, headElement.firstChild);
} else {
var headerFragment = parseHeader(editor, head);
headElement = headerFragment.getAll('head')[0];
if (!headElement) {
elm = headerFragment.getAll('html')[0];
headElement = new global$1('head', 1);
if (elm.firstChild) {
elm.insert(headElement, elm.firstChild, true);
} else {
elm = headerFragment.firstChild;
if (data.xml_pi) {
var value = 'version="1.0"';
if (data.docencoding) {
value += ' encoding="' + data.docencoding + '"';
if (elm.type !== 7) {
elm = new global$1('xml', 7);
headerFragment.insert(elm, headerFragment.firstChild, true);
elm.value = value;
} else if (elm && elm.type === 7) {
elm = headerFragment.getAll('#doctype')[0];
if (data.doctype) {
if (!elm) {
elm = new global$1('#doctype', 10);
if (data.xml_pi) {
headerFragment.insert(elm, headerFragment.firstChild);
} else {
elm.value = data.doctype.substring(9, data.doctype.length - 1);
} else if (elm) {
elm = null;
global$3.each(headerFragment.getAll('meta'), function (meta) {
if (meta.attr('http-equiv') === 'Content-Type') {
elm = meta;
if (data.docencoding) {
if (!elm) {
elm = new global$1('meta', 1);
elm.attr('http-equiv', 'Content-Type');
elm.shortEnded = true;
elm.attr('content', 'text/html; charset=' + data.docencoding);
} else if (elm) {
elm = headerFragment.getAll('title')[0];
if (data.title) {
if (!elm) {
elm = new global$1('title', 1);
} else {
elm.append(new global$1('#text', 3)).value = data.title;
} else if (elm) {
global$3.each('keywords,description,author,copyright,robots'.split(','), function (name) {
var nodes = headerFragment.getAll('meta');
var i, meta;
var value = data[name];
for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
meta = nodes[i];
if (meta.attr('name') === name) {
if (value) {
meta.attr('content', value);
} else {
if (value) {
elm = new global$1('meta', 1);
elm.attr('name', name);
elm.attr('content', value);
elm.shortEnded = true;
var currentStyleSheetsMap = {};
global$3.each(headerFragment.getAll('link'), function (stylesheet) {
if (stylesheet.attr('rel') === 'stylesheet') {
currentStyleSheetsMap[stylesheet.attr('href')] = stylesheet;
global$3.each(data.stylesheets, function (stylesheet) {
if (!currentStyleSheetsMap[stylesheet]) {
elm = new global$1('link', 1);
rel: 'stylesheet',
text: 'text/css',
href: stylesheet
elm.shortEnded = true;
delete currentStyleSheetsMap[stylesheet];
global$3.each(currentStyleSheetsMap, function (stylesheet) {
elm = headerFragment.getAll('body')[0];
if (elm) {
setAttr(elm, 'dir', data.langdir);
setAttr(elm, 'style', data.style);
setAttr(elm, 'vlink', data.visited_color);
setAttr(elm, 'link', data.link_color);
setAttr(elm, 'alink', data.active_color);
dom.setAttribs(editor.getBody(), {
style: data.style,
dir: data.dir,
vLink: data.visited_color,
link: data.link_color,
aLink: data.active_color
elm = headerFragment.getAll('html')[0];
if (elm) {
setAttr(elm, 'lang', data.langcode);
setAttr(elm, 'xml:lang', data.langcode);
if (!headElement.firstChild) {
var html = global({
validate: false,
indent: true,
indent_before: 'head,html,body,meta,title,script,link,style',
indent_after: 'head,html,body,meta,title,script,link,style'
return html.substring(0, html.indexOf('</body>'));
var open = function (editor, headState) {
var data = htmlToData(editor, headState.get());
var defaultData = {
title: '',
keywords: '',
description: '',
robots: '',
author: '',
docencoding: ''
var initialData = __assign(__assign({}, defaultData), data);
title: 'Metadata and Document Properties',
size: 'normal',
body: {
type: 'panel',
items: [
name: 'title',
type: 'input',
label: 'Title'
name: 'keywords',
type: 'input',
label: 'Keywords'
name: 'description',
type: 'input',
label: 'Description'
name: 'robots',
type: 'input',
label: 'Robots'
name: 'author',
type: 'input',
label: 'Author'
name: 'docencoding',
type: 'input',
label: 'Encoding'
buttons: [
type: 'cancel',
name: 'cancel',
text: 'Cancel'
type: 'submit',
name: 'save',
text: 'Save',
primary: true
initialData: initialData,
onSubmit: function (api) {
var nuData = api.getData();
var headHtml = dataToHtml(editor, global$3.extend(data, nuData), headState.get());
var register$1 = function (editor, headState) {
editor.addCommand('mceFullPageProperties', function () {
open(editor, headState);
var protectHtml = function (protect, html) {
global$3.each(protect, function (pattern) {
html = html.replace(pattern, function (str) {
return '<!--mce:protected ' + escape(str) + '-->';
return html;
var unprotectHtml = function (html) {
return html.replace(/<!--mce:protected ([\s\S]*?)-->/g, function (a, m) {
return unescape(m);
var each = global$3.each;
var low = function (s) {
return s.replace(/<\/?[A-Z]+/g, function (a) {
return a.toLowerCase();
var handleSetContent = function (editor, headState, footState, evt) {
var startPos, endPos, content, styles = '';
var dom = editor.dom;
if (evt.selection) {
content = protectHtml(getProtect(editor), evt.content);
if (evt.format === 'raw' && headState.get()) {
if (evt.source_view && shouldHideInSourceView(editor)) {
if (content.length === 0 && !evt.source_view) {
content = global$3.trim(headState.get()) + '\n' + global$3.trim(content) + '\n' + global$3.trim(footState.get());
content = content.replace(/<(\/?)BODY/gi, '<$1body');
startPos = content.indexOf('<body');
if (startPos !== -1) {
startPos = content.indexOf('>', startPos);
headState.set(low(content.substring(0, startPos + 1)));
endPos = content.indexOf('</body', startPos);
if (endPos === -1) {
endPos = content.length;
evt.content = global$3.trim(content.substring(startPos + 1, endPos));
} else {
var headerFragment = parseHeader(editor, headState.get());
each(headerFragment.getAll('style'), function (node) {
if (node.firstChild) {
styles += node.firstChild.value;
var bodyElm = headerFragment.getAll('body')[0];
if (bodyElm) {
dom.setAttribs(editor.getBody(), {
style: bodyElm.attr('style') || '',
dir: bodyElm.attr('dir') || '',
vLink: bodyElm.attr('vlink') || '',
link: bodyElm.attr('link') || '',
aLink: bodyElm.attr('alink') || ''
var headElm = editor.getDoc().getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if (styles) {
var styleElm = dom.add(headElm, 'style', { id: 'fullpage_styles' });
var currentStyleSheetsMap = {};
global$3.each(headElm.getElementsByTagName('link'), function (stylesheet) {
if (stylesheet.rel === 'stylesheet' && stylesheet.getAttribute('data-mce-fullpage')) {
currentStyleSheetsMap[stylesheet.href] = stylesheet;
global$3.each(headerFragment.getAll('link'), function (stylesheet) {
var href = stylesheet.attr('href');
if (!href) {
return true;
if (!currentStyleSheetsMap[href] && stylesheet.attr('rel') === 'stylesheet') {
dom.add(headElm, 'link', {
'rel': 'stylesheet',
'text': 'text/css',
href: href,
'data-mce-fullpage': '1'
delete currentStyleSheetsMap[href];
global$3.each(currentStyleSheetsMap, function (stylesheet) {
var getDefaultHeader = function (editor) {
var header = '', value, styles = '';
if (getDefaultXmlPi(editor)) {
var piEncoding = getDefaultEncoding(editor);
header += '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' + (piEncoding ? piEncoding : 'ISO-8859-1') + '" ?>\n';
header += getDefaultDocType(editor);
header += '\n<html>\n<head>\n';
if (value = getDefaultTitle(editor)) {
header += '<title>' + value + '</title>\n';
if (value = getDefaultEncoding(editor)) {
header += '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' + value + '" />\n';
if (value = getDefaultFontFamily(editor)) {
styles += 'font-family: ' + value + ';';
if (value = getDefaultFontSize(editor)) {
styles += 'font-size: ' + value + ';';
if (value = getDefaultTextColor(editor)) {
styles += 'color: ' + value + ';';
header += '</head>\n<body' + (styles ? ' style="' + styles + '"' : '') + '>\n';
return header;
var handleGetContent = function (editor, head, foot, evt) {
if (evt.format === 'html' && !evt.selection && (!evt.source_view || !shouldHideInSourceView(editor))) {
evt.content = unprotectHtml(global$3.trim(head) + '\n' + global$3.trim(evt.content) + '\n' + global$3.trim(foot));
var setup = function (editor, headState, footState) {
editor.on('BeforeSetContent', function (evt) {
handleSetContent(editor, headState, footState, evt);
editor.on('GetContent', function (evt) {
handleGetContent(editor, headState.get(), footState.get(), evt);
var register = function (editor) {
editor.ui.registry.addButton('fullpage', {
tooltip: 'Metadata and document properties',
icon: 'document-properties',
onAction: function () {
editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem('fullpage', {
text: 'Metadata and document properties',
icon: 'document-properties',
onAction: function () {
function Plugin () {
global$4.add('fullpage', function (editor) {
var headState = Cell(''), footState = Cell('');
register$1(editor, headState);
setup(editor, headState, footState);